News and Events
2021-2022 Christmas Concert
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Christian Alliance S Y Yeh Memorial Primary School for allowing us to use their venue enabling our students, parents and teachers to experience a joyful, melodious and lively Christmas concert filled with joy, laughter and gratitude.
2021-2022 Chinese Culture Day
Our ‘Chinese Culture Day’ was successfully held on 30th September, 2021. We would like to express our sincerest gratitude to our parent volunteers for assisting in our activities. Your help contributed so much to our students’ learning of traditional Chinese culture.
2022-2023 Online registration (Application is closed)
Online registration date: 7th September, 2021 9:00am to 14th September, 2021 5:00pm
Available vacancies for 5’s for school year 2021-2022
For the 2021-2022 school year, we have a few remaining vacancies for the 5’s afternoon class. Parents interested in enrolling their children should send the relative information to our school email on or before 25th July 2021. Our school will arrange the interview.
2020-2021 Open Day
Latest arrangement for Open Day 12th June, 2021 (Saturday). Successfully registered parents have already been notified by email 2nd June, 2021 (Wednesday). Thank you for your attention.