News and Events
2019-2020 Open day
Due to the pandemic, the ‘Open Day’ scheduled on 6th June, 2020 will be cancelled. Thank you for your attention.
Fighting Virus Makes Me campaign
#Fighting Virus Makes Me campaign@#Wofoo Social Enterprises
New Parent Introductory Meeting
Please note that the online 2019-2020 'New Parent Introductory Meeting' was completed on 25 April, 2020 (Saturday). Thank you for your attention.
The latest arrangements for the "New Parent Introductory Meeting"
Kindly note that we have notified the registered parents on the latest arrangements for the 'New Parent Introductory Meeting' by email on 9 April, 2020. Thank you for your attention!
2’s second round of interviews 2020-2021
Regarding the latest arrangements for the 2’s second round of interviews 2020-2021, we have notified the parents concerned by email on 16 March, 2020. Please contact us if you do not receive the email by 18 March, 2020. Thank you for your attention.
2020 - 2021 2’s 2nd Interview Postponed
In view of an increase in the number of confirmed and suspected Novel Coronavirus infection cases and the increasing risk of spread the virus in crowded environment, the 2nd round of interviews will be postponed. The updated interview arrangements will be sent to you through email. Thank you for your attention.
New Parent Introductory Meeting
Registration is required for the New Parent's Introductory Meeting starting at 9:00 am on 3rd February, 2020.