
At Gigamind, we believe that every child is unique, therefore English teachers use engaging activities and tailor made materials for our students to maximize learning opportunities. Fixed materials, such as textbooks are not the core.

As we do not use textbooks in English, we can plan our curriculum with more flexibility, allowing increased opportunities for students to express themselves through activities that take place inside and outside of the classroom.

By going beyond the textbook, we adopt a topic based approach so that students can relate English to different aspects of their learning in an authentic way.

Units of learning are designed around a core reading material with reference to the interests, maturity and ability of students. By building on their interests and life experiences, students’ skills and knowledge are developed in meaningful ways.

Not only does this increase our flexibility in teaching, it also caters for the varying needs and interests of our students.


Further information

Examples of how our students learn English can be found on our “Open Day 2024” website.   [Link]